Saturday, 24 August 2013

The Swinging Painting Series inspired by the Chinese Yin and Yang theory and my experience of moving around from countryside to town, town to city, and country to country. I am using the circular (shape) or the sphere (volume) as a symbol of unity, to be whole is also a way of unification, the disciplinary and culture into one. 
Additionally, to express my experience of moving around, rolling over and over and the feeling of restlessness and being unstable, all circular objects are restless and unstable characteristics. Chinese traditions and beliefs are that the circle is the sky and the land is square, ‘Earth’ was represented by a square and ‘Heaven’ by a circle, it refers to ‘Tian Yuan Di Fang’ (Chinese simplified: 天圆地方).                                                                                                                               

London 2013 (I), ∅33 cm, Chinese ink and colour on rice paper, sold
My work seeks to document and explore the remaining landscape of the British Empire and contemporary landscape, in the urban cities, for example London. My work has always been autobiography, a visual exploration of my feeling and a reflection of where my life is at any given moment.
Taking these environment and turning them into the ‘bird’s eye view’ through drawing, monoprint, painting and etching, looking at the pattern and layout of these space.  I wish to observe these environment from the different perspective as a foreign immigrant by adding the image  of myself swinging above these environment, trying to fit the unexpected model or behaviour into our unwelcome foreigner environment of everyday life and see how the environment response to the external influence.                                        

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Up coming show at The Institute of Physics with Riverside Artist Group, From 7th May - 18th July 2013.
Private view 7th May Tuesday 6:30pm- 8:30pm. Please come visit us and have a drink.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

My work selected to participate ‘Compendium of Malaysian Art (COMA)’ which will showcase the best of Malaysian art at the Art Basel Hong Kong 2013. If you are in Hong Kong by any chance, please pop in.